alto-, alt-, alti-
(Latin: high, highest, make high; tall, lofty)
altitudinal (adjective)
A reference to the angular elevation of a celestial object above the horizon of the earth: "The altitudinal elevation or height of something above a surface: such as, sea level or the land of a planet, a natural satellite, or any object out in space and above anything else."
altitudinal hemianopia
Blindness in the upper or lower half of the visual field of one or both eyes.
altitudinarian (adjective)
1. Pertaining to, or reaching to, the heights (of fancy, doctrine, etc.).
2. Someone who has lofty aims, thoughts, or plans: "Joe Kurt had an altitudinarian objective of being high in moral and intellectual values as a politician."
2. Someone who has lofty aims, thoughts, or plans: "Joe Kurt had an altitudinarian objective of being high in moral and intellectual values as a politician."
alto (adjective)
1. A reference to the second highest member of a group: "Yvonne played the alto clarinet in the band."
2. Of or being the lowest female voice: "Although she was still a teen ager, Stacy was an outstanding alto singer in her quartet."
3. Having the highest male voice: "Jacob sang solo songs with an alto range above that of a tenor."
2. Of or being the lowest female voice: "Although she was still a teen ager, Stacy was an outstanding alto singer in her quartet."
3. Having the highest male voice: "Jacob sang solo songs with an alto range above that of a tenor."
In music, a singing voice that is lower than the voice of a soprano and higher than the voice of a tenor: "Bernice sang in the choir as an alto and her friend, Joann, sang as a soprano."
Clouds that are formed of rounded in fleecy white or gray masses: The altocumuli of cloud elements usually are sharply outlined, but they may become partly fibrous or diffuse and they may or may not be merged together at an intermediate altitude of about 2,400 to 6,000 meters (8,000 to 20,000 feet).
alto-relievo, alto-rilievo (s) (noun), alto-relievos, alto-rilievi
A high relief in which forms and figures stand out from the background to half or more than half of their natural depth: "There are some sculptures, or alto-relievos, which present art works in which parts of the figures project out more than half their thickness."
A primary cloud type consisting of rain, snow, and ice pellets and appearing as a striated, fibrous, or uniform cloud in a gray or bluish sheet or layer: Altostratatus clouds usually cover most of the visible sky, with parts thin enough so the sun's position can be seen and such cloud formations exist at heights from 6,000 to 20,000 feet (2,000 to 6,100 meters) and they often produce long, steady rain showers.
Citius, Altius, Fortius (Latin)
Translation: "Faster, Higher, Stronger."
Motto of the Olympic Games. The underlying theme is excellence in performance, style, and creativity.
In music, the lowest female voice or voice part which is higher than a tenor and lower than a soprano: Although the terms contralto and alto refer to a similar musical pitch or level among singers, the term contralto applies to female singers while the equivalent male format is counter-tenor.
enhance (verb), enhances; enhanced; enhancing
1. The act of making something greater in value, beauty, or effectiveness: The property owner enhanced his house and yard area in order to give his real estate greater value.
2. To provide with improved, advanced, or sophisticated features: Erin's new computer software will enhance her ability to do more work faster.
3. To raise to a higher degree; to intensify; to magnify: Enhance often has the sense of qualitative improvement; especially, of making something more pleasant or enjoyable; such as, when an orchestra enhances its musical quality by practicing more and finding the best talent available.
5. Etymology: from about 1280, anhaunsen, "to raise, to make higher"; later enhauncen, "raise in station, wealth, fame". Borrowed from Anglo-French enhauncer, enhalcier, "to make greater", from Vulgar Latin inaltiare, alteration of Late Latin inaltare, "to raise, to exalt".

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2. To provide with improved, advanced, or sophisticated features: Erin's new computer software will enhance her ability to do more work faster.
3. To raise to a higher degree; to intensify; to magnify: Enhance often has the sense of qualitative improvement; especially, of making something more pleasant or enjoyable; such as, when an orchestra enhances its musical quality by practicing more and finding the best talent available.
So, simply stated, enhance means "to raise, to increase".
4. To make better or more attractive: Audrey’s physical exercises at the local fitness studio, where she goes at least five times every week or as often as possible, has enhanced her body and health.5. Etymology: from about 1280, anhaunsen, "to raise, to make higher"; later enhauncen, "raise in station, wealth, fame". Borrowed from Anglo-French enhauncer, enhalcier, "to make greater", from Vulgar Latin inaltiare, alteration of Late Latin inaltare, "to raise, to exalt".

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enhanced (adjective)
1. That which is increased or intensified in value or beauty or quality: "The enhanced performances of the school orchestra was a result of the dedication of the musical director and his talented and hardworking musicians."
2. Improved quality, amount, or strength: "The author's enhanced novels and short stories increased over the years because she continued to improve the content with every new production."
2. Improved quality, amount, or strength: "The author's enhanced novels and short stories increased over the years because she continued to improve the content with every new production."
A system used to extract heat from the less productive margins of existing geothermal fields, or from entirely new fields that are lacking sufficient production capacity under current conditions by utilizing a combination of hydraulic, thermal, and chemical processes; such as, rock fracturing, water injection, or water circulation.
An enhanced process that involves the injection of water, steam, gases, or chemicals into underground oil reservoirs to cause the oil to flow towards producing wells, permitting more recovery than would have been possible from natural pressure or primary and secondary recovery methods.
1. An improvement that makes something more agreeable or pleasant: "Enhancement is the increasing of the value or attractiveness of something or perhaps the increasing of someone's power."
"Boldness and eloquence can lead to the enhancement of a politician's popularity and effectiveness."
2. With computers, a change to a product which is intended to make it better in some way: "Certain enhancements usually result in new functions and become faster, or they may even be more compatible with other systems.""Enhancements to hardware components; especially, integrated circuits often mean they are smaller and less demanding of electrical resources."